General utilities.

(ns cljam.util
  (:require [ :as cio]
            [ :as logging]
            [ :as bgzf])
  (:import [ MalformedURLException URL]
           [java.nio.file Files FileVisitor FileVisitResult]
           [java.nio.file.attribute FileAttribute]
            CompressorStreamFactory CompressorException]))

Disk cache

Returns a created temporary directory with the given prefix.

(defn create-temp-dir
  (->> 0
       (make-array FileAttribute)
       (Files/createTempDirectory prefix)

Takes the temporary directory created by create-temp-dir and deletes the dir and the files in dir.

(defn delete-temp-dir!
  [^ dir]
   (.toPath dir)
   (reify FileVisitor
     (visitFile [_ file _attrs]
       (when-not (Files/deleteIfExists file)
          "The file could not be deleted because it did not exist: %s"
          (str file)))
     (visitFileFailed [_ _file _exc]
     (preVisitDirectory [_ _dir _attrs]
     (postVisitDirectory [_ dir _exc]
       (when-not (Files/deleteIfExists dir)
          "The directory could not be deleted because it did not exist: %s"
          (str dir)))

bindings => [dir prefix ...] Creates a temporary directory with the given prefix and binds the given dir to it. Finally, deletes dir and the files in dir.

(defmacro with-temp-dir
  [bindings & body]
  (assert (vector? bindings) "bindings must be a vector")
  (assert (even? (count bindings)) "bindings must have an even number of forms")
    (zero? (count bindings)) `(do ~@body)
    (symbol? (bindings 0)) (let [[dir prefix] bindings]
                             `(let [~dir (create-temp-dir ~prefix)]
                                  (with-temp-dir ~(subvec bindings 2) ~@body)
                                    (delete-temp-dir! ~dir)))))
    :else (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "binding must be a symbol"))))

byte array

Casts to byte avoiding an error about out of range for byte.

(defn ubyte
  {:pre [(<= 0 n 255)]}
  (byte (if (< n 0x80) n (- n 0x100))))

string utils

(defn ^"[B" string->bytes [^String s]
  (.getBytes s))
(defn ^String bytes->string [^bytes b]
  (String. b 0 (alength b)))

Returns true if c is a visible character, false if not.

(defn graph?
  (<= 0x20 (byte c) 0x7E))

Returns true if c is a character that creates "white space" in displayed text.

(defn space?
  (not (nil? (#{\space \tab \newline \formfeed \return (char 0x0b)} c))))

file utils

(defn ^URL as-url
    (cio/as-url x)
    (catch MalformedURLException _
      (cio/as-url (cio/file x)))))
(defn basename
  (when-let [url (as-url x)]
    (second (re-find #"([^/]+)\.(?=[^\./]+$)" (.getPath url)))))
(def ^:private compressor-map
  {:gzip CompressorStreamFactory/GZIP
   :bzip2 CompressorStreamFactory/BZIP2})

Returns a compressor input stream from f, autodetecting the compressor type from the first few bytes of f. Returns if the compressor type is not known. Should be used inside with-open to ensure the InputStream is properly closed.

(defn ^ compressor-input-stream
  (let [is (cio/input-stream f)]
      (.createCompressorInputStream (CompressorStreamFactory. true) is)
      (catch CompressorException _

Returns a compressor output stream from f and a compressor type k. k must be selected from :bgzip, :gzip or :bzip2. Autodetects the compressor type from the extension of f if k is not passed. Returns if the compressor type is not known. Should be used inside with-open to ensure the OutputStream is properly closed.

(defn ^ compressor-output-stream
   (compressor-output-stream f (condp re-find (.getPath (as-url f))
                                 #"(?i)\.(bgz|bgzip|gz)$" :bgzip
                                 #"(?i)\.gzip$" :gzip
                                 #"(?i)\.(bz2|bzip2)$" :bzip2
  ([f k]
   (if (= :bgzip k)
     (bgzf/make-bgzf-output-stream f)
     (let [os (cio/output-stream f)]
       (if-let [s (get compressor-map k)]
         (.createCompressorOutputStream (CompressorStreamFactory.) s os)