Implementations of the command-line tool.

  (:refer-clojure :exclude [sort merge])
  (:require [clojure.string :as cstr]
            [clj-sub-command.core :refer [sub-command candidate-message]]
            [ :refer [parse-opts]]
            [ :as sam]
            [ :as sam-util]
            [ :as header]
            [cljam.algo.bam-indexer :as bai]
            [cljam.algo.normal :as normal]
            [cljam.algo.sorter :as sorter]
            [cljam.algo.fasta-indexer :as fai]
            [cljam.algo.dict :as dict]
            [cljam.algo.depth :as depth]
            [cljam.algo.convert :as convert]
            [cljam.algo.level :as level]
            [cljam.algo.pileup :as plp]
            [cljam.util.region :as region]
            [ :as cio])
  (:import [ Closeable BufferedWriter OutputStreamWriter]))

CLI functions

Exits the program with the status after printing the message.

(defn- exit
  [status message]
  (binding [*out* (if (zero? status) *out* *err*)]
    (println message))
  (System/exit status))

Returns error message strings from the errors.

(defn- error-msg
  (str "The following errors occurred while parsing your command:\n\n"
       (cstr/join \newline errors)))
(defn- parse-region [region-str]
  (when region-str
    (if-let [reg (region/parse-region region-str)]
      (exit 1 (str "Invalid region format: " region-str)))))


view command

(def ^:private view-cli-options
  [[nil "--header" "Include header"]
   ["-f" "--format FORMAT" "Input file format <auto|sam|bam>"
    :default "auto"]
   ["-r" "--region REGION" "Only print in region (e.g. chr6:1000-2000)"]
   ["-h" "--help" "Print help"]])
(defn- view-usage [options-summary]
  (->> ["Extract/print all or sub alignments in SAM or BAM format."
        "Usage: cljam view [--header] [-f FORMAT] [-r REGION] <in.bam|sam>"
       (cstr/join \newline)))
(defn view [args]
  (let [{:keys [options arguments errors summary]} (parse-opts args view-cli-options)]
      (:help options) (exit 0 (view-usage summary))
      (not= (count arguments) 1) (exit 1 (view-usage summary))
      errors (exit 1 (error-msg errors)))
    (let [f (first arguments)]
      (with-open [^Closeable r (condp = (:format options)
                                 "auto" (sam/reader f)
                                 "sam"  (sam/sam-reader f)
                                 "bam"  (sam/bam-reader f))]
        (when (:header options)
          (println (header/stringify-header (sam/read-header r))))
        (doseq [aln (if-let [region (parse-region (:region options))]
                      (if (sam/indexed? r)
                        (sam/read-alignments r region)
                        (exit 1 "Random alignment retrieval only works for indexed BAM."))
                      (sam/read-alignments r))]
          (println (sam-util/stringify-alignment aln))))))

convert command

(def ^:private convert-cli-options
  [["-t" "--thread THREAD" "Number of threads (0 is auto)"
    :default 0
    :parse-fn #(Integer/parseInt %)]
   ["-i" "--index" "Create Index"]
   ["-h" "--help" "Print help"]])
(defn- convert-usage [options-summary]
  (->> ["Convert file format based on the file extension."
        "Usage: cljam convert [-t THREAD] [-i] <in-file> <out-file> [<out-file-2> [<out-file-3>]]"
       (cstr/join \newline)))
(defn convert [args]
  (let [{:keys [options arguments errors summary]} (parse-opts args convert-cli-options)]
      (:help options) (exit 0 (convert-usage summary))
      (not (<= 2 (count arguments) 4)) (exit 1 (convert-usage summary))
      errors (exit 1 (error-msg errors)))
    (let [[in & [out & more :as outs]] arguments]
      (convert/convert in (if more outs out) :n-threads (:thread options) :create-index? (:index options))))

normalize command

(def ^:private normalize-cli-options
  [["-i" "--index" "Create Index"]
   ["-h" "--help"]])
(defn- normalize-usage [options-summary]
  (->> ["Normalize references of alignments"
        "Usage: cljam normalize [-i] <in.bam|sam> <out.bam|sam>"
       (cstr/join \newline)))
(defn normalize [args]
  (let [{:keys [options arguments errors summary]} (parse-opts args normalize-cli-options)]
      (:help options) (exit 0 (normalize-usage summary))
      (not= (count arguments) 2) (exit 1 (normalize-usage summary))
      errors (exit 1 (error-msg errors)))
    (let [[in out] arguments]
      (with-open [r (sam/reader in)
                  w (sam/writer out (:index options))]
        (normal/normalize r w))))

sort command

(def ^:private sort-cli-options
  [["-o" "--order ORDER" "Sorting order of alignments <coordinate|queryname>"
    :default "coordinate"]
   ["-c" "--chunk CHUNK" "Maximum number of alignments sorted per thread."
    :default sorter/default-chunk-size
    :parse-fn #(Integer/parseInt %)]
   ["-i" "--index" "Create Index"]
   ["-h" "--help" "Print help"]])
(defn- sort-usage [options-summary]
  (->> ["Sort alignments by leftmost coordinates."
        "Usage: cljam sort [-o ORDER] [-c CHUNK] [-i] <in.bam|sam> <out.bam|sam>"
       (cstr/join \newline)))
(defn sort [args]
  (let [{:keys [options arguments errors summary]} (parse-opts args sort-cli-options)]
      (:help options) (exit 0 (sort-usage summary))
      (not= (count arguments) 2) (exit 1 (sort-usage summary))
      errors (exit 1 (error-msg errors)))
    (let [[in out] arguments]
      (with-open [r (sam/reader in)
                  w (sam/writer out (:index options))]
        (condp = (:order options)
          (name header/order-coordinate) (sorter/sort-by-pos r w {:chunk-size (:chunk options)})
          (name header/order-queryname) (sorter/sort-by-qname r w {:chunk-size (:chunk options)})))))

index command

(def ^:private index-cli-options
  [["-t" "--thread THREAD" "Number of threads (0 is auto)"
    :default 0
    :parse-fn #(Integer/parseInt %)]
   ["-h" "--help"]])
(defn- index-usage [options-summary]
  (->> ["Index sorted alignment for fast random access."
        "Usage: cljam index [-t THREAD] <in.bam>"
       (cstr/join \newline)))
(defn index [args]
  (let [{:keys [options arguments errors summary]} (parse-opts args index-cli-options)]
      (:help options) (exit 0 (index-usage summary))
      (not= (count arguments) 1) (exit 1 (index-usage summary))
      errors (exit 1 (error-msg errors)))
    (let [f (first arguments)]
      (bai/create-index f (str f ".bai") :n-threads (:thread options))))

pileup command

(def ^:private pileup-cli-options
  [["-s" "--simple" "Output only pileup count."]
   ["-r" "--region REGION" "Only pileup in region. (e.g. chr6:1000-2000)"]
   ["-t" "--thread THREAD" "Number of threads (0 is auto)"
    :default 0
    :parse-fn #(Integer/parseInt %)]
   ["-f" "--ref FASTA" "Reference file in the FASTA format."
    :default nil]
   ["-h" "--help"]])
(defn- pileup-usage [options-summary]
  (->> ["Generate pileup for the BAM file."
        "Usage: cljam pileup [-s] [-r REGION] [-f FASTA] [-t THREAD] <in.bam>"
       (cstr/join \newline)))
(defn- depth
  [f region n-threads]
  (with-open [r (sam/reader f)]
    (when-not (sam/indexed? r)
      (exit 1 "Random alignment retrieval only works for indexed BAM."))
    (when-not (sorter/sorted? r)
      (exit 1 "Not sorted"))
    (let [regs (or (some-> region parse-region vector)
                   (map (fn [{:keys [name len]}] {:chr name :start 1 :end len}) (sam/read-refs r)))]
      (binding [*out* (BufferedWriter. (OutputStreamWriter. System/out))
                *flush-on-newline* false]
        (doseq [reg regs
                line (depth/lazy-depth r reg {:n-threads n-threads})]
          (println line))
(defn pileup [args]
  (let [{:keys [arguments errors summary]
         {:keys [help region simple ref thread]} :options} (parse-opts args pileup-cli-options)]
      help (exit 0 (pileup-usage summary))
      (not= (count arguments) 1) (exit 1 (pileup-usage summary))
      errors (exit 1 (error-msg errors)))
    (let [f (first arguments)]
      (if simple
        (depth f region thread)
        (with-open [w (cio/writer (cio/output-stream System/out))]
          (plp/create-mpileup f ref w (parse-region region)))))))

faidx command

(def ^:private faidx-cli-options
  [["-h" "--help"]])
(defn- faidx-usage [options-summary]
  (->> ["Index reference sequence in the FASTA format."
        "Usage: cljam faidx <ref.fasta>"
       (cstr/join \newline)))
(defn faidx [args]
  (let [{:keys [options arguments errors summary]} (parse-opts args faidx-cli-options)]
      (:help options) (exit 0 (faidx-usage summary))
      (not= (count arguments) 1) (exit 1 (faidx-usage summary))
      errors (exit 1 (error-msg errors)))
    (let [f (first arguments)]
      (fai/create-index f (str f ".fai"))))

dict command

(def ^:private dict-cli-options
  [["-h" "--help"]])
(defn- dict-usage [options-summary]
  (->> ["Create a FASTA sequence dictionary file."
        "Usage: cljam dict <ref.fasta> <out.dict>"
       (cstr/join \newline)))
(defn dict [args]
  (let [{:keys [options arguments errors summary]} (parse-opts args dict-cli-options)]
      (:help options) (exit 0 (dict-usage summary))
      (not= (count arguments) 2) (exit 1 (dict-usage summary))
      errors (exit 1 (error-msg errors)))
    (let [[in out] arguments]
      (dict/create-dict in out)))

level command

(def ^:private level-cli-options
  [["-i" "--index" "Create Index"]
   ["-h" "--help"]])
(defn- level-usage [options-summary]
  (->> ["Analyze a BAM file and add level information of alignments."
        "Usage: cljam level [-i] <in.bam> <out.bam>"
       (cstr/join \newline)))
(defn level [args]
  (let [{:keys [options arguments errors summary]} (parse-opts args level-cli-options)]
      (:help options) (exit 0 (level-usage summary))
      (not= (count arguments) 2) (exit 1 (level-usage summary))
      errors (exit 1 (error-msg errors)))
    (let [[in out] arguments]
      (with-open [r (sam/reader in)
                  w (sam/writer out (:index options))]
        (level/add-level r w))))

version command

(defn version [_]
  (let [ver (with-open [r (-> "META-INF/maven/cljam/cljam/"
              (.getProperty (doto (java.util.Properties.) (.load r)) "version"))]
    (exit 0 ver)))

Main command

(defn run [args]
  (let [[opts cmd args help cands]
        (sub-command args
                     "Usage: cljam {view,convert,normalize,sort,index,pileup,faidx,dict,level,version} ..."
                     :options  [["-h" "--help" "Show help" :default false :flag true]]
                     :commands [["view"    "Extract/print all or sub alignments in SAM or BAM format."]
                                ["convert" "Convert file format based on the file extension."]
                                ["normalize" "Normalize references of alignments."]
                                ["sort"    "Sort alignments by leftmost coordinates."]
                                ["index"   "Index sorted alignment for fast random access."]
                                ["pileup"  "Generate pileup for the BAM file."]
                                ["faidx"   "Index reference sequence in the FASTA format."]
                                ["dict"    "Create a FASTA sequence dictionary file."]
                                ["level"   "Add level of alignments."]
                                ["version" "Print version number."]])]
    (when (:help opts)
      (exit 0 help))
    (case cmd
      :view    (view args)
      :convert (convert args)
      :normalize (normalize args)
      :sort    (sort args)
      :index   (index args)
      :pileup  (pileup args)
      :faidx   (faidx args)
      :dict    (dict args)
      :level   (level args)
      :version (version args)
      (exit 1 (str "Invalid command. See 'cljam --help'."
                   (when (seq cands)
                     (str \newline (candidate-message cands))))))))