Functions to read and write the WIG (Wiggle) format. See for the detail WIG specifications.

  (:require [ :as cio]
            [clojure.string :as cstr]
            [proton.core :refer [as-long as-double]]
            [ :as protocols]
            [cljam.util :as util]
            [cljam.util.chromosome :as chr])
  (:import [ URL]
           [ BufferedReader BufferedWriter Closeable]))
(declare read-fields write-fields)
(defrecord WIGReader [^BufferedReader reader ^URL url]
  (close [this]
    (.close ^Closeable (.reader this)))
  (reader-url [this] (.url this))
  (read [this] (read-fields this))
  (read [this option] (read-fields this))
  (indexed? [_] false))
(defrecord WIGWriter [^BufferedWriter writer ^URL url]
  (close [this]
    (.close ^Closeable (.writer this)))
  (writer-url [this] (.url this)))

Returns an open of f. Should be used inside with-open to ensure the reader is properly closed.

(defn ^WIGReader reader
  (WIGReader. (cio/reader (util/compressor-input-stream f)) (util/as-url f)))

Returns an open of f. Should be used inside with-open to ensure the writer is properly closed.

(defn ^WIGWriter writer
  (WIGWriter. (cio/writer (util/compressor-output-stream f)) (util/as-url f)))
(def ^:const wig-fields [:track :chr :start :end :value])

Returns true if given string is a blank, header, or comment line.

(defn- header-or-comment?
  [^String s]
  (or (empty? s)
      (.startsWith s "browser")
      (.startsWith s "#")))

Normalize WIG lines.

(defn- normalize
  (update m :chr chr/normalize-chromosome-key))

Convert vector ["key1=value1" "key2=value2" ...] to map {:key1 "value1" :key2 "value2" ...}.

(defn- fields->map
  (into {}
        (map (fn [field]
               (let [[k v] (cstr/split field #"=")]
                 [(keyword k) v])))

Convert string to Wiggle track data values which can be integer or real, positive or negative values.

(defn- str->wiggle-track-data
  [^String s]
  (if-let [l (as-long s)]
    (as-double s)))

Parse WIG lines and return a lazy sequence of flat map.

(defn- deserialize-wigs
  (letfn [(deserialize [lines pre-start track]
             (when-first [line lines]
               (let [fields (-> line cstr/trim (cstr/split #"\s+"))]
                 (case (first fields)
                   ; track definition line
                   (let [type (->> fields rest fields->map :type)]
                     (if (= type "wiggle_0")
                       (deserialize (rest lines) pre-start {:line line})
                       (throw "The track type with version must be `wiggle_0`")))
                   ; declaration line of variableStep
                   (let [{:keys [chrom span]
                          :or {span 1}} (->> fields rest fields->map)
                         span (as-long span)
                         track (assoc track :format :variable-step
                                      :chr chrom
                                      :span span
                                      :step nil)]
                     (deserialize (rest lines) nil track))
                   ; declaration line of fixedStep
                   (let [{:keys [chrom start span step]
                          :or {span 1, step 1}} (->> fields rest fields->map)
                         step (as-long step)
                         pre-start (- (as-long start) step)
                         span (as-long span)
                         track (assoc track :format :fixed-step
                                      :chr chrom
                                      :span span
                                      :step step)]
                     (deserialize (rest lines) pre-start track))
                   ; data line
                   (let [m (case (:format track)
                             (let [{:keys [chr span]} track
                                   [start value] fields
                                   start (as-long start)
                                   end (dec (+ start span))
                                   value (str->wiggle-track-data value)]
                               {:track track
                                :chr chr
                                :start start
                                :end end
                                :value value})
                             (let [{:keys [chr span step]} track
                                   start (+ pre-start step)
                                   end (dec (+ start span))
                                   value (-> fields first str->wiggle-track-data)]
                               {:track track
                                :chr chr
                                :start start
                                :end end
                                :value value})
                               "Invalid wiggle format")))]
                     (cons m (deserialize (rest lines)
                                          (:start m)
    (deserialize lines nil {:line nil
                            :format nil
                            :chr nil
                            :step nil
                            :span nil})))

Serialize a sequence of WIG fields into a lazy sequence of string.

(defn- serialize-wigs
  {:pre [;; These fields are required.
         (map (fn [wig] (every? some? ((apply juxt wig-fields) wig))) wigs)
         ;; There are two options for formatting wiggle data.
         (map (fn [wig]
                (let [format (-> wig :track :format)]
                  (or (= format :fixed-step)
                      (= format :variable-step))))
  (letfn [(serialize [wigs]
            (->> wigs
                   (partition-by (juxt (comp :format :track)
                                       #(- (:end %) (:start %))))
                    (fn [[{{:keys [line format span step]} :track
                           chr :chr start :start} :as xs]]
                      (case format
                        (let [declaration-line (->> (cond-> ["variableStep"
                                                             (str "chrom=" chr)]
                                                      (not= span 1)
                                                      (conj (str "span=" span)))
                                                    (cstr/join \space))
                              data-lines (->> xs
                                              (map (fn [{:keys [start value]}]
                                                     (cstr/join \space
                                                                [start value])))
                                              (cstr/join \newline))]
                          (cstr/join \newline
                                     (cond->> [declaration-line data-lines]
                                       line (cons line))))
                        (let [declaration-line (->> (cond-> ["fixedStep"
                                                             (str "chrom=" chr)
                                                             (str "start=" start)]
                                                      (not= step 1)
                                                      (conj (str "step=" step))
                                                      (not= span 1)
                                                      (conj (str "span=" span)))
                                                    (cstr/join \space))
                              data-lines (->> xs
                                              (map (fn [{:keys [value]}] value))
                                              (cstr/join \newline))]
                          (cstr/join \newline
                                     (cond->> [declaration-line data-lines]
                                       line (cons line)))))))))))]
    (serialize wigs)))

Read sequence of WIG fields from reader

(defn read-fields
  [^WIGReader rdr]
  (->> rdr
       (remove header-or-comment?)
       (map normalize)))

Write sequence of WIG fields to writer.

(defn write-fields
  [^WIGWriter wtr xs]
  (let [w ^BufferedWriter (.writer wtr)]
    (->> xs
         (interpose \newline)
         (run! #(.write w (str %))))))