A type of VCF reader and internal functions to read VCF contents. See https://samtools.github.io/hts-specs/ for the detail VCF specifications.

(ns cljam.io.vcf.reader
  (:require [clojure.string :as cstr]
            [clojure.tools.logging :as logging]
            [cljam.io.protocols :as protocols]
            [camel-snake-kebab.core :refer [->kebab-case-keyword]]
            [proton.core :refer [as-long]]
            [cljam.io.util.bin :as util-bin]
            [cljam.io.vcf.util :as vcf-util])
  (:import [java.io Closeable BufferedReader FileNotFoundException]
           [clojure.lang LazilyPersistentVector]


(declare read-variants read-variants-randomly read-file-offsets)
(deftype VCFReader [url meta-info header reader index-delay]
  (close [this]
    (.close ^Closeable (.reader this)))
  (reader-url [this] (.url this))
  (read [this] (read-variants this))
  (read [this option] (read-variants this option))
  (indexed? [_]
      (catch FileNotFoundException _
  (read-in-region [this region]
    (protocols/read-in-region this region {}))
  (read-in-region [this {:keys [chr start end]} option]
    (logging/warn "May cause degradation of performance.")
     (fn [v]
       (and (if chr (= (:chr v) chr) true)
            (if start (<= (long start) (long (:pos v))) true)
            (if end (<= (+ (long (:pos v)) (count (:ref v))) (long end)) true)))
     (read-variants this option))))

need dynamic extension for namespace issue.

(extend-type VCFReader
  (meta-info [this] (.meta-info this))
  (header [this] (.header this))
    ([this] (protocols/read-variants this {}))
    ([this option] (read-variants this option)))
  (read-variants-randomly [this region-option deep-option]
    (read-variants-randomly this region-option  deep-option))
  (read-file-offsets [this]
    (read-file-offsets this)))


(defn- dot->nil
  [^String s]
  ;; Avoid calling equiv on strings.
  (when-not (and (= 1 (.length s)) (= \. (.charAt s 0))) s))

Loading meta-information

(defn- meta-line?
  (= (subs line 0 2) "##"))

e.g. (parse-structured-line "ID=NS,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Number of Samples With Data\"") => {:id "NS" :number "1" :type "Integer" :description "Number of Samples With Data"}

(defn- parse-structured-line
  "e.g. (parse-structured-line \"ID=NS,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\\\"Number of Samples With Data\\\"\")
        => {:id \"NS\" :number \"1\" :type \"Integer\"
            :description \"Number of Samples With Data\"}"
  (letfn [(parse-string-field [s]
            (loop [s s, acc []]
              (if-let [[_ pre c post] (re-matches #"([^\\\"]*?)([\\\"])(.*)" s)]
                (if (= c "\\")
                  ;; expecting one of the special characters occurs immediately after \\
                  (if (#{\\ \"} (first post))
                    (recur (subs post 1) (conj acc pre (first post)))
                    (let [msg (str "Either '\\' or '\"' was expected immediately after '\\', "
                                   "but got '" (first post) "'")]
                      (throw (RuntimeException. msg))))
                  ;; c == \", that is, we are now at the end of the string field
                  [nil (cstr/join (conj acc pre)) (cstr/replace post #"^," "")])
                (throw (RuntimeException. "Unexpected end of string field")))))]
    (loop [s s, m {}]
      (if-let [[_ k more] (some->> s (re-matches #"([^=]+?)=(.*)"))]
        (let [[_ v more] (if (= (first more) \")
                           (parse-string-field (subs more 1))
                           (re-matches #"([^,]*?)(?:,(.*))?" more))]
          (recur more (assoc m (->kebab-case-keyword k) (dot->nil v))))
(defn- parse-meta-info-contig
  (update m :length as-long))
(defn- parse-meta-info-info
  (update m :number (fn [s]
                      (if (#{"A" "R" "G"} s)
                        (as-long s)))))

Parses a single line string as meta-info.

(defn parse-meta-info-line
  (let [[_ k* v] (re-find #"^##([\w:/\.\?\-]*)=(.*)$" line)
        k (->kebab-case-keyword k*)]
    [k (if-let [[_ s] (re-find #"^<(.+)>$" v)]
         (cond-> (parse-structured-line s)
           (#{:info :format} k) parse-meta-info-info
           (= k :contig) parse-meta-info-contig)

Reads from rdr and parses them as meta-info.

(defn load-meta-info
  [^BufferedReader rdr]
  (loop [line (.readLine rdr), meta-info {}]
    (if (meta-line? line)
      (let [[k v] (parse-meta-info-line line)]
        (recur (.readLine rdr)
               (if (#{:contig :info :filter :format :alt :sample :pedigree} k)
                 (if (get meta-info k)
                   (update meta-info k conj v)
                   (assoc meta-info k [v]))
                 (assoc meta-info k v))))

Loading header

(defn- header-line?
  (not (nil? (re-find #"^#[^#]*$" line))))

Parses a single line string as header

(defn parse-header-line
  (cstr/split (subs line 1) #"\t"))

Reads from rdr and parses them as header.

(defn load-header
  [^BufferedReader rdr]
  (loop [line (.readLine rdr)]
    (if (header-line? line)
      (parse-header-line line)
      (recur (.readLine rdr)))))

Reading data lines

(defn- parse-data-line
  [line kws]
  ;; When splitting a string with single-character delimiter,
  ;; `java.lang.String#split` is slightly faster than `clojure.string/split`.
  ;; For more details, please refer to https://github.com/chrovis/cljam/pull/29.
  (let [[fields gt-fields] (->> (.split ^String line "\t")
                                (map dot->nil)
                                (split-at 8))]
    (->> gt-fields
         (interleave kws)
         (concat [:chr (first fields)
                  :pos (as-long (nth fields 1))
                  :id (nth fields 2)
                  :ref (nth fields 3)
                  :alt (some-> (nth fields 4) (cstr/split #","))
                  :qual (some-> (nth fields 5) Double/parseDouble)
                  :filter (nth fields 6)
                  :info (nth fields 7)])
         (apply hash-map))))
(defn- read-data-lines
  [rdr header kws]
  (when-let [line (if (instance? BufferedReader rdr)
                    (.readLine ^BufferedReader rdr)
                    (.readLine ^BGZFInputStream rdr))]
    (if-not (or (meta-line? line) (header-line? line))
      (cons (parse-data-line line kws)
            (lazy-seq (read-data-lines rdr header kws)))
      (recur rdr header kws))))

Reads variants of the VCF/BCF file, returning them as a lazy sequence.

(defn read-variants
   (read-variants rdr {}))
  ([^VCFReader rdr {:keys [depth] :or {depth :deep}}]
   (let [kws (mapv keyword (drop 8 (.header rdr)))
         parse-fn (case depth
                    :deep (vcf-util/variant-parser (.meta-info rdr) (.header rdr))
                    :vcf identity)]
     (map parse-fn (read-data-lines (.reader rdr) (.header rdr) kws)))))
(defn- make-lazy-variants [f s]
  (when-first [fs s]
     (f fs)
     (make-lazy-variants f (rest s)))))

Reads variants of the bgzip compressed VCF file randomly using tabix/csi file Returning them as a lazy sequence.

(defn read-variants-randomly
  [^VCFReader rdr
   {:keys [chr ^long start ^long end] :or {start 1 end 4294967296}}
   {:keys [depth] :or {depth :deep}}]
  (let [kws (mapv keyword (drop 8 (.header rdr)))
        index-data @(.index-delay rdr)
        chr-names (or (util-bin/get-chr-names index-data)
                      (->> (.meta-info rdr) :contig (mapv :id)))
        ref-idx (.indexOf ^clojure.lang.PersistentVector chr-names chr)
        spans (when-not (neg? ref-idx)
                (util-bin/get-spans index-data ref-idx start end))
        input-stream ^BGZFInputStream (.reader rdr)
        parse-fn (case depth
                   :deep (vcf-util/variant-parser (.meta-info rdr)
                                                  (.header rdr))
                   :vcf identity)]
     (fn [[chunk-beg ^long chunk-end]]
       (.seek input-stream chunk-beg)
       (->> #(when (< (.getFilePointer input-stream) chunk-end)
               (-> input-stream
                   (parse-data-line kws)
            (take-while identity)
             (fn [{chr' :chr
                   ref' :ref
                   :keys [^long pos info]}]
               (and (= chr' chr)
                    (<= pos end)
                    (<= start
                        (long (get info :END (dec (+ pos (count ref')))))))))))

Reads file offsets and a genomic position of variants from bgzip compressed VCF and returns them as a lazy sequence. Each element is a map containing :chr, :chr-index, :beg, :end, :file-beg, :file-end.

(defn read-file-offsets
  [^VCFReader rdr]
  (let [^BGZFInputStream input-stream (.reader rdr)
        meta-info-contigs (->> (:contig (.meta-info rdr))
                               (map-indexed (fn [index contig]
                                              [(:id contig) index]))
                               (into {}))
        parse (comp (vcf-util/variant-parser (.meta-info rdr)
                                             (take 8 (.header rdr)))
                    #(parse-data-line % nil))]
    (letfn [(step [contigs beg-pointer]
              (when-let [line (.readLine input-stream)]
                (let [end-pointer (.getFilePointer input-stream)]
                  (if (or (meta-line? line) (header-line? line))
                    (lazy-seq (step contigs end-pointer))
                    (let [{:keys [chr pos info] ref' :ref} (parse line)
                          contigs' (if (contains? contigs chr)
                                     (assoc contigs chr (count contigs)))]
                      (cons {:file-beg beg-pointer, :file-end end-pointer
                             :chr-index (contigs' chr), :beg pos, :chr chr,
                             :end (or (:END info)
                                      (dec (+ (long pos) (count ref'))))}
                            (lazy-seq (step contigs' end-pointer))))))))]
      (step meta-info-contigs 0))))