(ns cljam.io.sam.util.validator) | |
(defn- error [path msg & args] {:errors {path [(apply format msg args)]}}) | |
(defn- merge-validation-results ([] nil) ([res] res) ([res1 res2] (letfn [(rec [x y] (cond (nil? x) y (nil? y) x (map? x) (merge-with rec x y) :else (into x y)))] (rec res1 res2))) ([res1 res2 res3 & more] (reduce merge-validation-results res1 (list* res2 res3 more)))) | |
(defn- validate-pos* [rname pos refmap] (let [max-len (get-in refmap [rname :LN])] (cond (not (integer? pos)) ["Must be an integer."] (not (<= 0 (int pos) Integer/MAX_VALUE)) ["Must be in the [0, 2147483647]."] (and max-len (> (int pos) (int max-len))) [(format "Must be less than or equal to %d." max-len)]))) | |
(defn- validate-pos [{:keys [refmap]} {:keys [pos rname]}] (when-let [err (validate-pos* rname pos refmap)] (apply error :pos err))) | |
(defn- validate-pnext [{:keys [refmap]} {:keys [pnext rname]}] (when-let [err (validate-pos* rname pnext refmap)] (apply error :pnext err))) | |
(defn- validate-rname* [rname refmap] (cond (not (string? rname)) ["Must be a string."] (and (not (= rname "*")) (not (get refmap rname))) [(format (str "Must be declared as the SN value in the SQ line within the" " header. (%s)") rname)])) | |
(defn- validate-rname [{:keys [refmap]} {:keys [rname]}] (when-let [err (validate-rname* rname refmap)] (apply error :rname err))) | |
(defn- validate-rnext [{:keys [refmap]} {:keys [rnext]}] (when-let [err (validate-rname* rnext refmap)] (error :rnext err))) | |
(defn- validate-qname [_ {:keys [qname]}] (if (not (string? qname)) (error :qname "Must be a string.") (when-let [res (cond-> nil (not (<= (count qname) 254)) (conj "Must be less than or equal to 254 characters.") (not (re-matches #"^[!-?A-~]+$" qname)) (conj "Must not contain illegal characters."))] {:errors {:qname res}}))) | |
(defn- validate-mapq [_ {:keys [mapq]}] (cond (not (integer? mapq)) (error :mapq "Must be an integer.") (not (<= 0 (int mapq) 255)) (error :mapq "Must be in the [0-255]."))) | |
(defn- validate-cigar [_ {:keys [cigar]}] (cond (not (string? cigar)) (error :cigar "Must be a string.") (not (re-matches #"^\*|([0-9]+[MIDNSHPX=])+$" cigar)) (error :cigar "Invalid format."))) | |
(defn- validate-tlen [_ {:keys [tlen]}] (cond (not (integer? tlen)) (error :tlen "Must be integer.") (not (<= (- Integer/MAX_VALUE) tlen Integer/MAX_VALUE)) (error :tlen "Must be in the [-2147483647,2147483647]."))) | |
(defn- validate-qual [_ {:keys [qual]}] (cond (not (string? qual)) (error :qual "Must be a string.") (not (re-matches #"[!-~]+" qual)) (error :qual "Must be composed only of ASCII characters within the valid phred33 range [!-~]."))) | |
(defn- validate-seq [{:keys [file-type]} {seq' :seq}] (cond (not (string? seq')) (error :seq "Must be a string.") (and (= file-type :bam) (not (re-matches #"\*|[=ACMGRSVTWYHKDBN]+" seq'))) (error :seq "Must not contain bad character.") (and (= file-type :sam) (not (re-matches #"\*|[A-Za-z=.]+" seq'))) (error :seq "Must not contain bad character."))) | |
(defn- validate-sam-option [{:keys [value] type' :type}] (case type' "A" (when-not (and (char? value) (<= (int \!) (int value) (int \~))) ["Must be a char [!-~]."]) "i" (when-not (and (integer? value) (<= -2147483648 value 4294967295)) ["Must be 32 bit signed integer."]) "f" (when-not (or (float? value) (integer? value)) ["Must be a float."]) "Z" (when-not (and (string? value) (re-matches #"[ !-~]*" value)) ["Must be a printable string [ !-~]*"]) "H" (when-not (and (sequential? value) (every? (every-pred integer? #(<= -255 (int %) 255)) value)) ["Must be a byte array."]) "B" (when-not (and (string? value) (re-matches #"[cCsSiIf](,[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)*" value)) ["Must be a string of comma-separated array of numbers."]) [(format "Type %s is invalid" (str type'))])) | |
(defn- validate-bam-option [{:keys [value] type' :type}] (case type' "A" (when-not (and (char? value) (<= (int \!) (int value) (int \~))) ["Must be a char [!-~]."]) "c" (when-not (and (integer? value) (<= 0 value 127)) ["Must be 8 bit signed integer."]) "C" (when-not (and (integer? value) (<= 0 value 255)) ["Must be 8 bit unsigned integer."]) "s" (when-not (and (integer? value) (<= -32768 value 32767)) ["Must be 16 bit signed integer."]) "S" (when-not (and (integer? value) (<= 0 value 65535)) ["Must be 16 bit usgned integer."]) "i" (when-not (and (integer? value) (<= -2147483648 value 2147483647)) ["Must be 32 bit signed integer."]) "I" (when-not (and (integer? value) (<= 0 value 4294967296)) ["Must be 32 bit signed integer."]) "f" (when-not (or (float? value) (integer? value)) ["Must be a float."]) "Z" (when-not (and (string? value) (re-matches #"[ !-~]*" value)) ["Must be a printable string [ !-~]*"]) "H" (when-not (and (sequential? value) (every? (every-pred integer? #(<= -255 (int %) 255)) value)) ["Must be a byte array."]) "B" (when-not (and (string? value) (re-matches #"[cCsSiIf](,[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)*" value)) ["Must be a string of comma-separated array of numbers."]) [(format "Type %s is invalid" (str type'))])) | |
(defn- validate-option [v file-type] (case file-type :sam (validate-sam-option v) :bam (validate-bam-option v))) | |
(defn- validate-options [{:keys [file-type]} {:keys [options]}] (map-indexed #(when-let [err (validate-option %2 file-type)] (apply error [:options %1] err)) options)) | |
(defn- validate-data-record [validator alignment] (if (map? alignment) (let [f (juxt validate-qname validate-rname validate-rnext validate-pos validate-pnext validate-mapq validate-cigar validate-qual validate-tlen validate-seq)] (apply merge-validation-results (concat (f validator alignment) (validate-options validator alignment)))) (error [] (str "Alignment must be a map, but got " (pr-str alignment))))) | |
Creates a sam validator that is necessary for variant validation. Takes the following three arguments: - header: SAM's header columns (including mandatory columns) - options: Validation options The available validation options are: - :file-type Specify the file type (either of :sam and :bam). Defaults to :sam | (defn make-validator ([header] (make-validator header {})) ([header {:keys [file-type] :or {file-type :sam}}] {:file-type file-type :refmap (into {} (map (juxt :SN identity) (:SQ header)))})) |
Checks if the given alignments data is in the format cljam expects, and returns a validation result map pointing out the problematic portion of data that does not conform to the format. Otherwise returns nil. The validation result map looks like: {:errors {[:chr] ["..."] :warnings {[:pos] ["..."]} alignment { ... alignment data ...}}} | (defn validate-alignment [validator alignment] (let [res (validate-data-record validator alignment)] (when (seq res) (assoc res :alignment alignment)))) |
Applies | (defn validate-alignments ([validator] (keep (partial validate-alignment validator))) ([validator alignments] (sequence (validate-alignments validator) alignments))) |
(defn- stringify-validation-result-messages [m] (with-out-str (doseq [[i [path msgs]] (map-indexed vector m) :let [path' (str path) indent (apply str (repeat (+ (count path') 4) \space))]] (when (not= i 0) (newline)) (printf " - %s: %s" path (first msgs)) (doseq [msg (rest msgs)] (newline) (printf "%s %s" indent msg))))) | |
Checks if the given alignment data is in the format cljam expects, and throws an error if it doesn't conform to the format. Otherwise returns the input alignment data. Also, if any validation warning is found, it will be reported to stderr. | (defn check-alignment [validator alignment] (let [{:keys [warnings errors] v :alignment :as res} (validate-alignment validator alignment)] (when warnings (binding [*out* *err*] (printf "Alignment validation warning at %s\n%s" (pr-str (cond-> v (map? v) (select-keys [:qname :rname :rnext :pos :pnext :mapq :cigar :qual :tlen :seq]))) (stringify-validation-result-messages warnings)) (newline))) (when errors (let [msg (format "Alignment validation error at %s\n%s" (pr-str (cond-> v (map? v) (select-keys [:qname :rname :rnext :pos :pnext :mapq :cigar :qual :tlen :seq]))) (stringify-validation-result-messages errors))] (throw (ex-info msg res)))) alignment)) |
Applies | (defn check-alignments ([validator] (map (partial check-alignment validator))) ([validator alignments] (sequence (check-alignments validator) alignments))) |