(ns cljam.io.fasta.core
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [read])
  (:require [clojure.java.io :as cio]
            [clojure.string :as cstr]
            [cljam.io.protocols :as protocols]
            [cljam.util :as util]
            [cljam.io.fasta-index.core :as fai]
            [cljam.io.fasta.reader :as reader]
            [cljam.io.util.bgzf :as bgzf]
            [cljam.io.util.bgzf.gzi :as gzi])
  (:import [java.io FileNotFoundException RandomAccessFile]
           [cljam.io.fasta.reader FASTAReader IndexedBGZFInputStream]))


(defn- fasta-index
  (let [fasta-exts #"(?i)(\.(fa|fasta|fas|fsa|seq|fna|faa|ffn|frn|mpfa))$"]
    (or (->> ["$1.fai" ".fai" "$1.FAI" ".FAI"]
             (map #(util/as-url (cstr/replace (str fasta-url) fasta-exts %)))
             (cons (util/as-url (str fasta-url ".fai")))
             (some #(try (fai/reader %) (catch FileNotFoundException _))))
        (throw (FileNotFoundException.
                (str "Could not find FASTA Index file for " fasta-url))))))
(defn- bgzip-index
  (gzi/read-gzi (util/as-url (str fasta-url ".gzi"))))
(defn- random-accessor [f]
  (if (bgzf/bgzip? f)
     (bgzf/bgzf-input-stream f)
     (delay (bgzip-index f)))
    (RandomAccessFile. (cio/as-file f) "r")))
(defn ^FASTAReader reader
  (let [url (util/as-url f)]
    (FASTAReader. (random-accessor url)
                  (util/compressor-input-stream url)
                  (delay (fasta-index url)))))

Clones fasta reader sharing persistent objects.

(defn ^FASTAReader clone-reader
  [^FASTAReader rdr]
  (let [url (.url rdr)
        r (if (instance? RandomAccessFile (.reader rdr))
            (RandomAccessFile. (cio/as-file url) "r")
             (bgzf/bgzf-input-stream url)
             (.idx ^IndexedBGZFInputStream (.reader rdr))))
        stream (util/compressor-input-stream url)]
    (FASTAReader. r stream url (.index-delay rdr))))
(defn read-headers
  [^FASTAReader rdr]
    (fai/get-headers @(.index-delay rdr))
    (catch FileNotFoundException _
      (reader/load-headers (.reader rdr)))))

Read summaries of sequences in this FASTA file.

(defn read-seq-summaries
  [^FASTAReader rdr]
   (fn [{:keys [name len]}]
     {:name name, :len len})
   (fai/get-indices @(.index-delay rdr))))
(defn read-indices
  [^FASTAReader rdr]
  (fai/get-indices @(.index-delay rdr)))

Reads sequences by line, returning the line-separated sequences as lazy sequence.

(defn read-sequences
  (reader/read-sequences rdr))
(defn read-sequence
  [rdr {:keys [chr start end]} opts]
  (reader/read-sequence rdr chr start end opts))
(defn read
  (reader/read rdr))
(defn reset
  (reader/reset rdr))
(defn sequential-read
   (sequential-read rdr {}))
  ([^FASTAReader rdr opts]
   (reader/sequential-read-string (.stream rdr) (* 1024 1024 10) 536870912 opts)))
(extend-type FASTAReader
  (reader-url [this] (.url this))
    ([this] (protocols/read this {}))
    ([this option] (protocols/read-all-sequences this option)))
  (indexed? [this]
      @(.index-delay this)
      (catch FileNotFoundException _
    ([this region]
     (protocols/read-in-region this region {}))
    ([this region option]
     (protocols/read-sequence this region option)))
    [this] (read-seq-summaries this))
    [this] (read-indices this))
    ([this] (protocols/read-all-sequences this {}))
    ([this opts]
     (sequential-read this opts)))
    ([this region]
     (protocols/read-sequence this region {}))
    ([this region opts]
     (read-sequence this region opts))))