The core of FASTA index features. | (ns (:require [ :as cio] [ :as logging] [ :as writer] [ :as reader] [cljam.util :as util]) (:import |
Writing | |
Returns an open | (defn writer [f] (FAIWriter. (cio/writer f) (util/as-url f))) |
Creates a FASTA index file from the sequences. | (defn create-index [in-fa out-fai] (with-open [r (cio/reader (util/compressor-input-stream in-fa)) w ^FAIWriter (writer out-fai)] (try (writer/write-index! r w) (catch Exception e (cio/delete-file (.url w)) (logging/error "Failed to create FASTA index") (throw e))))) |
Reading | |
Returns an open | (defn reader [f] (FAIReader. (with-open [rdr (cio/reader f)] (reader/parse-fai rdr)) (util/as-url f))) |
Returns index data and a name [:name, :len, :offset, :line-blen, :line-len]
of the sequence named | (defn get-header [^FAIReader fai name'] (merge {:name name'} (get (.indices fai) name' nil))) |
Get offsets of all sequences in the FASTA file.
Returns a vector of maps where each element contains the following keys:
- | (defn get-headers [^FAIReader fai] (vec (sort #(compare (:offset %1) (:offset %2)) (map (fn [[k v]] {:name k :desc "" :offset (:offset v)}) (.indices fai))))) |
Get fasta indices with the name of the sequence.
Returns a vector of maps where each element contains the following keys:
- | (defn get-indices [^FAIReader fai] (vec (sort #(compare (:offset %1) (:offset %2)) (map (fn [[k v]] (merge {:name k} v)) (.indices fai))))) |
Calculate byte spans for FASTA file. | (defn get-span [^FAIReader fai name' ^long start ^long end] (let [start (max 0 start) end (max 0 end)] (when-let [{^long index-offset :offset ^long index-len :len ^long index-line-len :line-len ^long index-line-blen :line-blen} (get (.indices fai) name' nil)] (let [start (min index-len start) end (min index-len end) proj (fn [^long pos] (+ index-offset (+ (* (quot pos index-line-blen) index-line-len) (rem pos index-line-blen))))] (when (< start end) [(proj start) (proj end)]))))) |