Makes a sequence dictionary from FASTA data, and writes it to a file.

  (:require [digest]
            [ :refer [sam-version]]
            [cljam.util :refer [string->bytes graph?]])


(deftype DICTWriter [^ writer url]
  (close [this]
    (.close writer)))

Making dict

Equals to (- (byte \A) (byte \a)).

(def ^:const ^:private upper-case-offset
  "Equals to `(- (byte \\A) (byte \\a))`."
(defn- upper-case [b]
  (if (or (< b (byte \a)) (> b (byte \z)))
    (byte (+ b upper-case-offset))))

Normalizes the sequence string, calculates its MD5 hash, and returns it.

(defn- make-hash
  (let [bases ^bytes (string->bytes sequence)]
    (loop [i 0]
      (when (< i (count bases))
        (aset bases i ^byte (upper-case (nth bases i)))
        (recur (inc i))))
    (digest/md5 bases)))
(defn- init-dict-status
  {:sequence , :len 0})
(defn- update-dict-status
  [dict-status sequence]
  {:sequence (str (:sequence dict-status) sequence)
   :len (+ (:len dict-status) (count (filter graph? sequence)))})

Calculates sequence dictionary from the headers and sequences, returning it as a map.

(defn make-dict
  [_headers sequences ur]
  (loop [[seq* & rest] sequences
         name (:name seq*)
         dict-status (init-dict-status)
         dicts {}]
    (if seq*
      (let [name' (:name seq*)
            new? (not= name' name)
            dict-status' (update-dict-status
                          (if new? (init-dict-status) dict-status) (:sequence seq*))
            dicts' (if new?
                     (assoc dicts name {:blen (:len dict-status)
                                        :ur ur
                                        :m5 (make-hash (:sequence dict-status))})
        (recur rest name' dict-status' dicts'))
      (assoc dicts name {:blen (:len dict-status)
                         :ur ur
                         :m5 (make-hash (:sequence dict-status))}))))


(defn- write-header!
  [^BufferedWriter wtr]
  (.write wtr (str "@HD\tVN:" sam-version "\tSO:unsorted"))
  (.newLine wtr))
(defn- write-sequence!
  [^BufferedWriter wtr name blen ur m5]
  (.write wtr (str "@SQ\tSN:" name "\tLN:" blen "\tM5:" m5 "\tUR:" ur))
  (.newLine wtr))
(defn- write-dict*!
  [wtr headers sequences ur]
  (let [dicts (make-dict headers sequences ur)]
    (write-header! wtr)
    (doseq [header headers]
      (let [dict (get dicts (:name header))]
        (write-sequence! wtr
                         (:name header)
                         (:blen dict)
                         (:ur dict)
                         (:m5 dict))))))
(defn write-dict!
  [^DICTWriter wtr headers sequences ur]
  (write-dict*! (.writer wtr) headers sequences ur))