Functions to read the bigWig format. See and for the detail bigWig specifications. | (ns (:require [ :as cio] [ :as protocols] [ :as lsb] [cljam.util :as util]) (:import [ URL] [ Closeable IOException RandomAccessFile] [java.nio ByteBuffer ByteOrder] [ Inflater]) (:refer-clojure :exclude [name])) |
(def ^:private bigwig-magic 0x888ffc26) | |
(def ^:private bpt-magic 0x78CA8C91) | |
(def ^:private cir-tree-magic 0x2468ACE0) | |
(declare read-tracks read-all-headers read-bbi-chrom-info read-cir-tree) | |
(defrecord FixedWidthHeader [magic version zoom-levels chromosome-tree-offset full-data-offset full-index-offset total-summary-offset uncompress-buf-size extension-offset]) | |
(defrecord ZoomHeader [reduction-level data-offset index-offset]) | |
(defrecord TotalSummary [bases-covered min-val max-val sum-data sum-squared]) | |
(defrecord ExtendedHeader [extension-size extra-index-count extra-index-list-offset]) | |
(defrecord BptHeader [block-size key-size val-size item-count root-offset]) | |
(defrecord BbiChromInfo [name id size]) | |
(defrecord CirTree [block-size item-count start-chrom-ix start-base end-chrom-ix end-base file-size items-per-slot root-offset]) | |
(defrecord BigWigHeaders [^FixedWidthHeader fixed-width-header zoom-headers ^TotalSummary total-summary ^ExtendedHeader extended-header ^BptHeader bpt-header bbi-chrom-info ^CirTree cir-tree]) | |
(defrecord BIGWIGReader [^RandomAccessFile reader ^URL url ^BigWigHeaders headers] Closeable (close [this] (.close ^Closeable (.reader this))) protocols/IReader (reader-url [this] (.url this)) (read [this] (read-tracks this)) (read [this _] (read-tracks this)) (indexed? [_] false)) | |
Returns an open of f. Should be used inside with-open to ensure the reader is properly closed. | (defn reader ^BIGWIGReader [f] (let [f (.getAbsolutePath (cio/file f)) rdr (RandomAccessFile. f "r") headers (read-all-headers rdr)] (BIGWIGReader. rdr (util/as-url f) headers))) |
Checks if the magic is right for bigWig format. Otherwise, throws IOException. | (defn- check-bigwig-magic [^long uint] (when-not (= uint bigwig-magic) (throw (IOException. "Invalid bigWig magic")))) |
Ranged from [1,4]. Throws IOException if the version is out of range. | (defn- check-version [^long ushort] (when-not (<= 1 ushort 4) (throw (IOException. "Invalid bigWig version")))) |
For bigWig 0. Throws IOException if the fieldCount is invalid. | (defn- check-field-count [^long ushort] (when-not (zero? ushort) (throw (IOException. "Invalid bigWig fieldCount")))) |
For bigWig 0. Throws IOException if the definedFieldCount is invalid. | (defn- check-defined-field-count [^long ushort] (when-not (zero? ushort) (throw (IOException. "Invalid bigWig definedFieldCount")))) |
For bigWig 0. Throws IOException if the autoSqlOffset is invalid. | (defn- check-auto-sql-offset [^long auto-sql-offset] (when-not (zero? auto-sql-offset) (throw (IOException. "Invalid bigWig autoSqlOffset")))) |
Returns a FixedWidthHeader. | (defn- read-fixed-width-header [^RandomAccessFile r] (let [magic (lsb/read-uint r) version (lsb/read-ushort r) zoom-levels (lsb/read-ushort r) chromosome-tree-offset (lsb/read-long r) full-data-offset (lsb/read-long r) full-index-offset (lsb/read-long r) field-count (lsb/read-ushort r) defined-field-count (lsb/read-ushort r) auto-sql-offset (lsb/read-long r) total-summary-offset (lsb/read-long r) uncompress-buf-size (lsb/read-uint r) extension-offset (lsb/read-long r)] (check-bigwig-magic magic) (check-version version) (check-field-count field-count) (check-defined-field-count defined-field-count) (check-auto-sql-offset auto-sql-offset) (FixedWidthHeader. magic version zoom-levels chromosome-tree-offset full-data-offset full-index-offset total-summary-offset uncompress-buf-size extension-offset))) |
Returns a vector of ZoomHeader from reader. | (defn- read-zoom-headers [^RandomAccessFile r {:keys [zoom-levels]}] (letfn [(read-zoom-header [^long n acc] (if (zero? n) acc (let [reduction-level (lsb/read-uint r) _reserved (lsb/read-uint r) data-offset (lsb/read-long r) index-offset (lsb/read-long r)] (recur (dec n) (conj acc (ZoomHeader. reduction-level data-offset index-offset))))))] (read-zoom-header zoom-levels []))) |
Returns a totalSummay. If it isn't present, returns nil. | (defn- read-total-summary [^RandomAccessFile r {:keys [^long total-summary-offset]}] (when-not (zero? total-summary-offset) (.seek r total-summary-offset) (let [bases-covered (lsb/read-long r) min-val (lsb/read-double r) max-val (lsb/read-double r) sum-data (lsb/read-double r) sum-squared (lsb/read-double r)] (TotalSummary. bases-covered min-val max-val sum-data sum-squared)))) |
Returns an extendedHeader. It it isn't present, returns nil. | (defn- read-extended-header [^RandomAccessFile r {:keys [extension-offset]}] (when-not (zero? (long extension-offset)) (.seek r extension-offset) (let [extension-size (lsb/read-ushort r) extra-index-count (lsb/read-ushort r) extra-index-list-offset (lsb/read-long r)] (ExtendedHeader. extension-size extra-index-count extra-index-list-offset)))) |
Checks if the magic is right for bpt format. Otherwise, throws IOException. | (defn- check-bpt-magic [uint] (when-not (= uint bpt-magic) (throw (IOException. "Invalid bpt magic")))) |
Returns B+ tree data. | (defn- read-bpt-header [^RandomAccessFile r {:keys [chromosome-tree-offset]}] (.seek r chromosome-tree-offset) (let [magic (lsb/read-uint r) block-size (lsb/read-uint r) key-size (lsb/read-uint r) val-size (lsb/read-uint r) item-count (lsb/read-long r)] (check-bpt-magic magic) (lsb/skip r 8) (let [root-offset (.getFilePointer r)] (BptHeader. block-size key-size val-size item-count root-offset)))) |
Returns the all headers of bigWig format. | (defn- read-all-headers [^RandomAccessFile r] (.seek r 0) (let [fixed-width-header (read-fixed-width-header r) zoom-headers (read-zoom-headers r fixed-width-header) total-summary (read-total-summary r fixed-width-header) extended-header (read-extended-header r fixed-width-header) bpt-header (read-bpt-header r fixed-width-header) bbi-chrom-info (read-bbi-chrom-info r bpt-header) cir-tree (read-cir-tree r fixed-width-header)] (BigWigHeaders. fixed-width-header zoom-headers total-summary extended-header bpt-header bbi-chrom-info cir-tree))) |
Reads | (defn- read-c-style-string [^RandomAccessFile r ^long length] (->> (lsb/read-bytes r length) (reduce (fn [cs c] (if (zero? (byte c)) (reduced cs) (conj cs c))) []) (map char) (apply str))) |
Returns the BbiChromInfo data of leaves. | (defn- read-bbi-chrom-info-leaves [^RandomAccessFile r key-size child-count] (repeatedly child-count (fn [] (let [name (read-c-style-string r key-size) id (lsb/read-uint r) size (lsb/read-uint r)] (BbiChromInfo. name id size))))) |
Skips offsets and returns the file offsets of children. | (defn- read-bbi-chrom-info-file-offsets [^RandomAccessFile r key-size child-count] (repeatedly child-count (fn [] (lsb/skip r key-size) (lsb/read-long r)))) |
Returns a sequence of BbiChromInfo data. | (defn- read-bbi-chrom-info [^RandomAccessFile r {:keys [key-size root-offset]}] (letfn [(traverse [block-start] (.seek r block-start) (let [leaf? (-> r lsb/read-ubyte short zero? not) _reversed (lsb/read-ubyte r) child-count (lsb/read-ushort r)] (if leaf? (doall (read-bbi-chrom-info-leaves r key-size child-count)) (let [file-offsets (read-bbi-chrom-info-file-offsets r key-size child-count)] (map traverse file-offsets)))))] (vec (traverse root-offset)))) |
Checks if the magic is right for chromosome id r-tree index format. Otherwise, throws IOException. | (defn- check-cir-tree-magic [uint] (when-not (= uint cir-tree-magic) (throw (IOException. "Invalid cir-tree magic")))) |
Returns a CirTree data. | (defn- read-cir-tree [^RandomAccessFile r {:keys [full-index-offset]}] (.seek r full-index-offset) (let [magic (lsb/read-uint r) block-size (lsb/read-uint r) item-count (lsb/read-long r) start-chrom-ix (lsb/read-uint r) start-base (lsb/read-uint r) end-chrom-ix (lsb/read-uint r) end-base (lsb/read-uint r) file-size (lsb/read-long r) items-per-slot (lsb/read-uint r)] (check-cir-tree-magic magic) (lsb/skip r 4) (let [root-offset (.getFilePointer r)] (CirTree. block-size item-count start-chrom-ix start-base end-chrom-ix end-base file-size items-per-slot root-offset)))) |
Returns true if the given blocks are overlapped. | (defn- cir-tree-overlaps? [id start end start-chrom-ix start-base end-chrom-ix end-base] (letfn [(cmp ^long [^long a-hi ^long a-lo ^long b-hi ^long b-lo] (cond (< a-hi b-hi) 1 (> a-hi b-hi) -1 (< a-lo b-lo) 1 (> a-lo b-lo) -1 :else 0))] (and (pos? (long (cmp id start end-chrom-ix end-base))) (neg? (long (cmp id end start-chrom-ix start-base)))))) |
Converts CirTree leaves into blocks that contain a flat map including offset and size. | (defn- cir-tree-leaves->blocks [^RandomAccessFile r id start end child-count] (->> (repeatedly child-count (fn [] (let [start-chrom-ix (lsb/read-uint r) start-base (lsb/read-uint r) end-chrom-ix (lsb/read-uint r) end-base (lsb/read-uint r) offset (lsb/read-long r) size (lsb/read-long r)] (when (cir-tree-overlaps? id start end start-chrom-ix start-base end-chrom-ix end-base) {:offset offset, :size size})))) (remove nil?))) |
Returns a sequence that contains overlapping blocks describing CirTree leaves. | (defn- fetch-overlapping-blocks [^RandomAccessFile r id start end {:keys [root-offset]}] (letfn [(make-blocks [index-file-offset] (.seek r index-file-offset) (let [leaf? (-> r lsb/read-ubyte short zero? not) _reserved (lsb/read-ubyte r) child-count (lsb/read-ushort r)] (if leaf? (doall (cir-tree-leaves->blocks r id start end child-count)) (->> (repeatedly child-count (fn [] (let [start-chrom-ix (lsb/read-uint r) start-base (lsb/read-uint r) end-chrom-ix (lsb/read-uint r) end-base (lsb/read-uint r) offset (lsb/read-long r)] {:start-chrom-ix start-chrom-ix :start-base start-base :end-chrom-ix end-chrom-ix :end-base end-base :offset offset}))) doall (sequence (comp (filter (fn [{:keys [start-chrom-ix start-base end-chrom-ix end-base]}] (cir-tree-overlaps? id start end start-chrom-ix start-base end-chrom-ix end-base))) (mapcat (fn [{:keys [offset]}] (make-blocks offset)))))))))] (make-blocks root-offset))) |
Returns a sequence of blocks that describe overlapping chrom range. | (defn- fetch-overlapping-blocks-group [^RandomAccessFile r ^BbiChromInfo chrom-info ^CirTree cir-tree] (fetch-overlapping-blocks r (:id chrom-info) 0 (:size chrom-info) cir-tree)) |
Returns a range intersection of two ranges that include | (defn- range-intersection ^long [a b] (- (min (long (:end a)) (long (:end b))) (max (long (:start a)) (long (:start b))))) |
Converts bigWig tracks into BedGraph format (1-based, fully-closed). | (defn- ->bedgraph [^ByteBuffer bb track-start track-end item-count chrom rng] (->> (repeatedly item-count (fn [] (let [start (.getInt bb) end (.getInt bb) value (.getFloat bb)] (when (pos? (range-intersection rng {:start start :end end})) {:track {:line nil :chr chrom :start track-start :end track-end} :chr chrom :start (inc start) :end end :value value})))) (remove nil?) doall)) |
Converts bigWig tracks into variableStep tracks of wig format (1-start, fully-closed). | (defn- ->variable-step [^ByteBuffer bb item-span item-count chrom rng] (let [item-span (long item-span)] (->> (repeatedly item-count (fn [] (let [start (.getInt bb) value (.getFloat bb)] (when (pos? (range-intersection rng {:start start, :end (+ start item-span)})) {:track {:line nil :format :variable-step :chr chrom :step nil :span item-span} :chr chrom :start (inc start) :end (+ start item-span) :value value})))) (remove nil?) doall))) |
Converts bigWig tracks into fixedStep tracks of wig format (1-start, fully-closed). | (defn- ->fixed-step [^ByteBuffer bb start item-step item-span item-count chrom rng] (reduce (fn [acc ^long i] (let [value (.getFloat bb) cur-start (+ (long start) (* i (long item-step))) cur-end (+ cur-start (long item-span))] (if (pos? (range-intersection rng {:start cur-start :end cur-end})) (conj acc {:track {:line nil :format :fixed-step :chr chrom :step item-step :span item-span} :chr chrom :value value :start (inc cur-start) :end cur-end}) acc))) [] (range item-count))) |
Reads blocks according to BbiChromInfo data and returns tracks described Wig or BedGraph format. | (defn- read-blocks [^RandomAccessFile r ^BbiChromInfo chrom-info {:keys [fixed-width-header cir-tree]}] (let [blocks (fetch-overlapping-blocks-group r chrom-info cir-tree) rng {:start 0, :end (:size chrom-info)}] (->> blocks (map (fn [{:keys [offset size]}] (.seek r offset) (lsb/read-bytes r size))) (map (fn [^bytes block] (let [inf (doto (Inflater.) (.setInput block)) ba (byte-array (:uncompress-buf-size fixed-width-header)) uncompress-size (.inflate inf ba)] (.end inf) (doto (ByteBuffer/wrap ba 0 uncompress-size) (.order (case (:magic fixed-width-header) 0x888ffc26 ByteOrder/LITTLE_ENDIAN 0x26fc8f88 ByteOrder/BIG_ENDIAN)))))) (mapcat (fn [^ByteBuffer bb] (let [_chrom-id (.getInt bb) start (.getInt bb) end (.getInt bb) item-step (.getInt bb) item-span (.getInt bb) typ (int (.get bb)) _reserved (int (.get bb)) item-count (.getShort bb)] (case typ 1 (->bedgraph bb start end item-count (:name chrom-info) rng) 2 (->variable-step bb item-span item-count (:name chrom-info) rng) 3 (->fixed-step bb start item-step item-span item-count (:name chrom-info) rng) (throw (IOException. "Invalid type of bigWig section header."))))))))) |
Reads a bigWig tracks from reader and returns a sequence of tracks representing Wig (fixedStep or variableStep) or BedGraph format. | (defn read-tracks [^BIGWIGReader rdr] (let [r ^RandomAccessFile (.reader rdr)] (mapcat (fn [chrom-info] (read-blocks r chrom-info (.headers rdr))) (:bbi-chrom-info (.headers rdr))))) |