Functions to read and write the BED (Browser Extensible Data) format. See for the detail BED specifications. | (ns (:require [ :as cio] [clojure.string :as cstr] [proton.core :refer [as-long]] [ :as protocols] [cljam.util :as util] [cljam.util.chromosome :as chr] [cljam.util.region :as region] [ :as logging]) (:import [ URL] [ BufferedReader BufferedWriter Closeable])) |
(declare read-fields write-fields) | |
(defrecord BEDReader [^BufferedReader reader ^URL url] Closeable (close [this] (.close ^Closeable (.reader this))) protocols/IReader (reader-url [this] (.url this)) (read [this] (protocols/read this {})) (read [this _] (read-fields this)) (indexed? [_] false) protocols/IRegionReader (read-in-region [this region] (protocols/read-in-region this region {})) (read-in-region [this {:keys [chr ^long start ^long end]} _] (logging/warn "May cause degradation of performance.") (filter (fn [{^long m-start :start ^long m-end :end m-chr :chr}] (and (or (not chr) (= m-chr chr)) (or (not start) (<= start m-start)) (or (not end) (<= m-end end)))) (read-fields this)))) | |
(defrecord BEDWriter [^BufferedWriter writer ^URL url] Closeable (close [this] (.close ^Closeable (.writer this))) protocols/IWriter (writer-url [this] (.url this))) | |
Returns an open of f. Should be used inside with-open to ensure the reader is properly closed. | (defn reader ^BEDReader [f] (BEDReader. (cio/reader (util/compressor-input-stream f)) (util/as-url f))) |
Returns an open of f. Should be used inside with-open to ensure the writer is properly closed. | (defn writer ^BEDWriter [f] (BEDWriter. (cio/writer (util/compressor-output-stream f)) (util/as-url f))) |
The keywords of bed columns. | (def ^:const bed-columns [:chr :start :end :name :score :strand :thick-start :thick-end :item-rgb :block-count :block-sizes :block-starts]) |
Converts string of comma-separated long values into list of longs. Comma at the end of input string will be ignored. Returns nil if input is nil. | (defn- str->long-list [^String s] (when-not (nil? s) (map as-long (cstr/split s #",")))) |
Inverse function of str->long-list. | (defn- long-list->str [xs] (when (seq xs) (cstr/join "," xs))) |
Same as update if map 'm' contains key 'k'. Otherwise, returns the original map 'm'. | (defn- update-some [m k f & args] (if (get m k) (apply update m k f args) m)) |
Parse BED fields string and returns a map. Based on information at | (defn- deserialize-bed [^String s] {:post [;; First 3 fields are required. (:chr %) (:start %) (:end %) ;; The chromEnd base is not included in the display of the feature. (< (long (:start %)) (long (:end %))) ;; Lower-numbered fields must be populated if higher-numbered fields are used. (every? true? (drop-while false? (map nil? ((apply juxt bed-columns) %)))) ;; A score between 0 and 1000. (if-let [s (:score %)] (<= 0 s 1000) true) ;; The number of items in this list should correspond to blockCount. (if-let [xs (:block-sizes %)] (= (count xs) (:block-count %)) true) ;; The number of items in this list should correspond to blockCount. (if-let [xs (:block-starts %)] (= (count xs) (:block-count %)) true) ;; The first blockStart value must be 0. (if-let [[f] (:block-starts %)] (= 0 f) true) ;; The final blockStart position plus the final blockSize value must equal chromEnd. (if-let [xs (:block-starts %)] (= (+ (long (last xs)) (long (last (:block-sizes %)))) (- (long (:end %)) (long (:start %)))) true) ;; Blocks may not overlap. (if-let [xs (:block-starts %)] (apply <= (mapcat (fn [^long a ^long b] [a (+ a b)]) xs (:block-sizes %))) true)]} (reduce (fn deserialize-bed-reduce-fn [m [k f]] (update-some m k f)) (zipmap bed-columns (cstr/split s #"\s+")) {:start as-long :end as-long :score as-long :strand #(case % "." nil "+" :forward "-" :reverse) :thick-start as-long :thick-end as-long :block-count as-long :block-sizes str->long-list :block-starts str->long-list})) |
Serializes bed fields into a string. | (defn- serialize-bed [m] {:pre [;; First 3 fields are required. (:chr m) (:start m) (:end m) ;; The chromEnd base is not included in the display of the feature. (< (long (:start m)) (long (:end m))) ;; Lower-numbered fields must be populated if higher-numbered fields are used. (every? true? (drop-while false? (map nil? ((apply juxt bed-columns) m)))) ;; A score between 0 and 1000. (if-let [s (:score m)] (<= 0 s 1000) true) ;; The number of items in this list should correspond to blockCount. (if-let [xs (:block-sizes m)] (= (count xs) (:block-count m)) true) ;; The number of items in this list should correspond to blockCount. (if-let [xs (:block-starts m)] (= (count xs) (:block-count m)) true) ;; The first blockStart value must be 0. (if-let [[f] (:block-starts m)] (= 0 f) true) ;; The final blockStart position plus the final blockSize value must equal chromEnd. (if-let [xs (:block-starts m)] (= (+ (long (last xs)) (long (last (:block-sizes m)))) (- (long (:end m)) (long (:start m)))) true) ;; Blocks may not overlap. (if-let [xs (:block-starts m)] (apply <= (mapcat (fn [^long a ^long b] [a (+ a b)]) xs (:block-sizes m))) true)]} (->> (-> m (update-some :strand #(case % :forward "+" :reverse "-" nil ".")) (update-some :block-sizes long-list->str) (update-some :block-starts long-list->str)) ((apply juxt bed-columns)) (take-while identity) (cstr/join \tab))) |
Checks if given string is neither a header nor a comment line. | (defn- header-or-comment? [^String s] (or (empty? s) (.startsWith s "browser") (.startsWith s "track") (.startsWith s "#"))) |
Normalizes BED fields. BED fields are stored in format: 0-origin and inclusive-start / exclusive-end. This function converts the coordinate into cljam style: 1-origin and inclusive-start / inclusive-end. | (defn- normalize [m] (-> m (update :start inc) (update-some :thick-start inc))) |
De-normalizes BED fields. This is an inverse function of normalize. | (defn- denormalize [m] (-> m (update :start dec) (update-some :thick-start dec))) |
Returns a lazy sequence of normalized BED fields. | (defn read-fields [^BEDReader rdr] (sequence (comp (remove header-or-comment?) (map deserialize-bed) (map normalize)) (line-seq (.reader rdr)))) |
Sort BED fields based on :chr, :start and :end. :chr with common names come first, in order of (chr1, chr2, ..., chrX, chrY, chrM). Other chromosomes follow after in lexicographic order. | (defn sort-fields [xs] (sort-by (fn [m] [(chr/chromosome-order-key (:chr m)) (:start m) (:end m)]) xs)) |
Sort and merge overlapped regions. Currently, this function affects only :end and :name fields. | (defn merge-fields [xs] (region/merge-regions-with (fn [x {:keys [end] name' :name}] (-> x (update :end max end) (update-some :name str "+" name'))) 0 (sort-fields xs))) |
Compare two BED fields on the basis of :chr and :end fields. | (defn- fields-<= [x y] (<= (compare [(chr/chromosome-order-key (:chr x)) (:end x)] [(chr/chromosome-order-key (:chr y)) (:end y)]) 0)) |
Returns a lazy sequence that is the intersection of the two BED sequences. The input sequences will first be sorted with sort-fields, which may cause an extensive memory use for ones with a large number of elements. Note also that this function assumes the input sequences contain only valid regions, and thus :start <= :end holds for each region. Make sure yourself the input sequences meet the condition, or the function may return a wrong result. | (defn intersect-fields [xs ys] (letfn [(intersect [xs ys] (lazy-seq (if-let [x (first xs)] (if-let [y (first ys)] (cond->> (if (fields-<= x y) (intersect (next xs) ys) (intersect xs (next ys))) (region/overlapped-regions? x y) (cons (-> x (update :start max (:start y)) (update :end min (:end y))))) []) [])))] (intersect (sort-fields xs) (merge-fields ys)))) |
Returns a lazy sequence that is the result of subtracting the BED fields in the sequence ys from the sequence xs. The input sequences will first be sorted with sort-fields, which may cause an extensive memory use for ones with a large number of elements. Note also that this function assumes the input sequences contain only valid regions, and thus :start <= :end holds for each region. Make sure yourself the input sequences meet the condition, or the function may return a wrong result. | (defn subtract-fields [xs ys] (letfn [(subtract [xs ys] (lazy-seq (if-let [x (first xs)] (if-let [y (first ys)] (let [[r1 r2] (region/subtract-region x y)] (if r2 (cons r1 (subtract (cons r2 (next xs)) (next ys))) (if r1 (if (fields-<= r1 y) (cons r1 (subtract (next xs) ys)) (subtract (cons r1 (next xs)) (next ys))) (subtract (next xs) ys)))) xs) [])))] (subtract (sort-fields xs) (merge-fields ys)))) |
Takes a sequence of maps containing :name and :len keys (representing chromosome's name and length, resp.) and a sequence of BED fields, and returns a lazy sequence that is the complement of the BED sequence. The input sequence will first be sorted with sort-fields, which may cause an extensive memory use for ones with a large number of elements. Note also that this function assumes the BED sequence contains only valid regions, and thus :start <= :end holds for each region. Make sure yourself the BED sequence meets the condition, or the function may return a wrong result. | (defn complement-fields [refs xs] (let [chr->len (into {} (map (juxt :name :len)) refs) chrs (sort-by chr/chromosome-order-key (map :name refs))] (when-first [{:keys [chr]} (filter #(not (chr->len (:chr %))) xs)] (let [msg (str "Length of chromosome " chr " not specified")] (throw (IllegalArgumentException. msg)))) (letfn [(complement [xs chrs ^long pos] (lazy-seq (when-let [chr (first chrs)] (let [len (long (get chr->len chr)) {^long x-start :start ^long x-end :end x-chr :chr :as x} (first xs)] (if (and x (= x-chr chr)) (cond->> (complement (next xs) chrs (inc x-end)) (< pos (long (:start x))) (cons {:chr chr :start pos :end (dec x-start)})) (cond->> (complement xs (next chrs) 1) (< pos len) (cons {:chr chr :start pos :end len})))))))] (complement (merge-fields xs) chrs 1)))) |
Writes sequence of BED fields to writer. | (defn write-fields [^BEDWriter wtr xs] (let [w ^BufferedWriter (.writer wtr)] (->> xs (map (comp serialize-bed denormalize)) (cstr/join \newline) (.write w)))) |