Decoder of BAM alignment blocks. | (ns (:require [clojure.string :as cstr] [proton.core :as proton] [cljam.util :as util] [ :as qual] [ :as sam-seq] [ :as refs] [ :as cigar] [ :as common] [ :as bb]) (:import [java.util Arrays] [java.nio Buffer ByteBuffer ByteOrder CharBuffer] [ SAMAlignment SAMRegionBlock SAMCoordinateBlock SAMQuerynameBlock])) |
Changes (u)int8 or (u)int16 tag type to int32 tag type. | (definline validate-tag-type [t] `(case (long ~t) ~(long \I) \i ~(long \s) \i ~(long \S) \i ~(long \c) \i ~(long \C) \i (char ~t))) |
Parses a tag according to | (definline parse-tag-single [tag-type ^ByteBuffer bb] `(case (long ~tag-type) ~(long \Z) (bb/read-null-terminated-string ~bb) ~(long \A) (char (.get ~bb)) ~(long \I) (bit-and (.getInt ~bb) 0xffffffff) ~(long \i) (.getInt ~bb) ~(long \s) (int (.getShort ~bb)) ~(long \S) (bit-and (.getShort ~bb) 0xffff) ~(long \c) (int (.get ~bb)) ~(long \C) (bit-and (int (.get ~bb)) 0xff) ~(long \f) (.getFloat ~bb) ~(long \H) (proton/hex->bytes (bb/read-null-terminated-string ~bb)) (throw (Exception. "Unrecognized tag type")))) |
(defn- parse-tag-array [^ByteBuffer bb] (let [typ (char (.get bb)) len (.getInt bb)] (->> (for [_ (range len)] (case typ \c (int (.get bb)) \C (bit-and (int (.get bb)) 0xff) \s (int (.getShort bb)) \S (bit-and (.getShort bb) 0xffff) \i (.getInt bb) \I (bit-and (.getInt bb) 0xffffffff) \f (.getFloat bb) (throw (Exception. (str "Unrecognized tag array type: " typ))))) (cons typ) (cstr/join \,)))) | |
(defn- parse-option [^ByteBuffer bb] (lazy-seq (when (.hasRemaining bb) (cons (let [cb (as-> (CharBuffer/allocate 2) cb (.put cb (unchecked-char (.get bb))) (.put cb (unchecked-char (.get bb))) (.flip ^Buffer cb)) typ (.get bb)] {(keyword (.toString cb)) {:type (str (validate-tag-type typ)) :value (if (= typ 66) ;; (byte \B) (parse-tag-array bb) (parse-tag-single typ bb))}}) (parse-option bb))))) | |
Decodes bytes of bam options. | (defn decode-options [rest'] (let [bb (ByteBuffer/wrap rest')] (.order bb ByteOrder/LITTLE_ENDIAN) (parse-option bb))) |
Returns the number of bytes of the trailing optional fields. | (defn options-size [^long block-size ^long l-read-name ^long n-cigar-op ^long l-seq] (- block-size common/fixed-block-size l-read-name (* n-cigar-op 4) (quot (inc l-seq) 2) l-seq)) |
Decodes qual from bytes. Returns "*" if input is filled with 0xff, otherwise returns qual. | (defn decode-qual [^bytes b] (if (Arrays/equals b (byte-array (alength b) (util/ubyte 0xff))) "*" (qual/phred-bytes->fastq b))) |
Decodes seq from bytes. Returns "*" if seq is empty, otherwise returns sequence. | (defn decode-seq [seq-bytes ^long length] (if (zero? length) "*" (sam-seq/compressed-bases->str length seq-bytes 0))) |
Returns "=" if ref and next is same reference, otherwise returns next-ref-name. | (defn decode-next-ref-id [refs ^long ref-id ^long next-ref-id] (if (= next-ref-id -1) "*" (if (= ref-id next-ref-id) "=" (refs/ref-name refs next-ref-id)))) |
(defrecord BAMRawBlock [data ^long pointer-beg ^long pointer-end]) | |
(defn- B-I-type-cigar-str->cigar-str [B-I-type-cigar] (let [xs (cstr/split (subs B-I-type-cigar 2) #",") bb (doto (ByteBuffer/allocate (* 4 (count xs))) (.order ByteOrder/LITTLE_ENDIAN))] (doseq [x xs] (.putInt bb (Long/parseLong x))) (first (cigar/decode-cigar-and-ref-length (.array bb))))) | |
Decodes BAM block and creates SAMAlignment instance which is compatible with SAM. When called with start and end, this function may return nil if any base of the block is not included in the range. | (defn decode-alignment ([refs block] (let [buffer (bb/make-lsb-byte-buffer (:data block)) ref-id (.getInt buffer) rname (or (refs/ref-name refs ref-id) "*") pos (inc (.getInt buffer)) l-read-name (short (bb/read-ubyte buffer)) mapq (short (bb/read-ubyte buffer)) _ (bb/skip buffer 2) ; bin n-cigar-op (int (bb/read-ushort buffer)) flag (int (bb/read-ushort buffer)) l-seq (.getInt buffer) next-ref-id (.getInt buffer) rnext (decode-next-ref-id refs ref-id next-ref-id) pnext (inc (.getInt buffer)) tlen (.getInt buffer) qname (bb/read-string buffer (dec l-read-name)) _ (bb/skip buffer 1) cigar-bytes (bb/read-bytes buffer (* n-cigar-op 4)) [cigar len] (cigar/decode-cigar-and-ref-length cigar-bytes) ref-end (if (zero? (long len)) pos (dec (+ pos (long len)))) seq' (decode-seq (bb/read-bytes buffer (quot (inc l-seq) 2)) l-seq) qual (decode-qual (bb/read-bytes buffer l-seq)) rest' (bb/read-bytes buffer (options-size (alength ^bytes (:data block)) l-read-name n-cigar-op l-seq)) options (decode-options rest') [cigar* options*] (if-let [cg (and (cigar/placeholder? cigar-bytes) (:value (some :CG options)))] [(B-I-type-cigar-str->cigar-str cg) (remove :CG options)] [cigar options])] (SAMAlignment. qname (int flag) rname (int pos) ref-end (int mapq) cigar* rnext (int pnext) (int tlen) seq' qual options*))) ([refs block ^long start ^long end] (let [buffer (bb/make-lsb-byte-buffer (:data block)) ref-id (.getInt buffer) pos (inc (.getInt buffer))] (when (<= pos end) (let [l-read-name (short (bb/read-ubyte buffer)) mapq (short (bb/read-ubyte buffer)) _ (bb/skip buffer 2) ; bin n-cigar-op (int (bb/read-ushort buffer)) flag (int (bb/read-ushort buffer)) l-seq (.getInt buffer) next-ref-id (.getInt buffer) rnext (decode-next-ref-id refs ref-id next-ref-id) pnext (inc (.getInt buffer)) tlen (.getInt buffer) qname (bb/read-string buffer (dec l-read-name)) _ (bb/skip buffer 1) cigar-bytes (bb/read-bytes buffer (* n-cigar-op 4)) [cigar len] (cigar/decode-cigar-and-ref-length cigar-bytes) ref-end (int (if (zero? (long len)) pos (dec (+ pos (long len)))))] (when (<= start ref-end) (let [seq' (decode-seq (bb/read-bytes buffer (quot (inc l-seq) 2)) l-seq) qual (decode-qual (bb/read-bytes buffer l-seq)) rest' (bb/read-bytes buffer (options-size (alength ^bytes (:data block)) l-read-name n-cigar-op l-seq)) rname (or (refs/ref-name refs ref-id) "*") options (decode-options rest') [cigar* options*] (if-let [cg (and (cigar/placeholder? cigar-bytes) (:value (some :CG options)))] [(B-I-type-cigar-str->cigar-str cg) (remove :CG options)] [cigar options])] (SAMAlignment. qname (int flag) rname (int pos) ref-end (int mapq) cigar* rnext (int pnext) (int tlen) seq' qual options*)))))))) |
Decodes BAM block and returns a SAMRegionBlock instance containing covering range of the alignment. | (defn decode-region-block ([^BAMRawBlock block] (let [buffer (bb/make-lsb-byte-buffer (.data block)) ref-id (.getInt buffer) pos (inc (.getInt buffer)) l-read-name (short (bb/read-ubyte buffer)) _ (bb/skip buffer 3) ;; MAPQ, bin n-cigar-op (int (bb/read-ushort buffer)) _ (bb/skip buffer (+ 18 l-read-name)) ;; flag, l_seq, rnext, pnext, tlen, qname cigar-bytes (bb/read-bytes buffer (* n-cigar-op 4)) ref-length (cigar/count-ref-bytes cigar-bytes) ref-end (int (if (zero? ref-length) pos (dec (+ pos ref-length))))] (SAMRegionBlock. (.data block) ref-id pos ref-end))) ([^BAMRawBlock block ^long start ^long end] (let [buffer (bb/make-lsb-byte-buffer (.data block)) ref-id (.getInt buffer) pos (inc (.getInt buffer))] (when (<= pos end) (let [l-read-name (short (bb/read-ubyte buffer)) _ (bb/skip buffer 3) ;; MAPQ, bin n-cigar-op (int (bb/read-ushort buffer)) _ (bb/skip buffer (+ 18 l-read-name)) ;; flag, l_seq, rnext, pnext, tlen, qname cigar-bytes (bb/read-bytes buffer (* n-cigar-op 4)) ref-length (cigar/count-ref-bytes cigar-bytes) ref-end (if (zero? ref-length) pos (dec (+ pos ref-length)))] (when (<= start ref-end) (SAMRegionBlock. (.data block) ref-id pos ref-end))))))) |
Decodes BAM block and returns a SAMCoordinateBlock instance containing ref-id, pos and flag. | (defn decode-coordinate-block ([^BAMRawBlock block] (let [buffer (bb/make-lsb-byte-buffer (.data block)) ref-id (.getInt buffer) pos (inc (.getInt buffer)) _ (bb/skip buffer 6) ;; l_read_name, MAPQ, bin, n_cigar_op flag (int (bb/read-ushort buffer))] ;; l_seq, rnext, pnext, tlen, qname (SAMCoordinateBlock. (.data block) (int ref-id) (int pos) (int flag)))) ([^BAMRawBlock block ^long start ^long end] (let [buffer (bb/make-lsb-byte-buffer (.data block)) ref-id (.getInt buffer) pos (inc (.getInt buffer))] (when (<= pos end) (let [l-read-name (short (bb/read-ubyte buffer)) _ (bb/skip buffer 3) ;; MAPQ, bin n-cigar-op (int (bb/read-ushort buffer)) flag (int (bb/read-ushort buffer)) _ (bb/skip buffer (+ 16 l-read-name)) ;; l_seq, rnext, pnext, tlen, qname cigar-bytes (bb/read-bytes buffer (* n-cigar-op 4)) ref-length (cigar/count-ref-bytes cigar-bytes) ref-end (if (zero? ref-length) pos (dec (+ pos ref-length)))] (when (<= start ref-end) (SAMCoordinateBlock. (.data block) (int ref-id) (int pos) (int flag)))))))) |
Decodes BAM block and returns a SAMQuerynameBlock instance containing qname and flag. | (defn decode-queryname-block ([^BAMRawBlock block] (let [buffer (bb/make-lsb-byte-buffer (.data block)) _ (bb/skip buffer 8) ;; ref-id, pos l-read-name (short (bb/read-ubyte buffer)) _ (bb/skip buffer 5) ;; MAPQ, bin, n_cigar_op flag (int (bb/read-ushort buffer)) _ (bb/skip buffer 16) ;; l_seq, rnext, pnext, tlen qname (bb/read-string buffer l-read-name)] (SAMQuerynameBlock. (.data block) qname (int flag)))) ([^BAMRawBlock block ^long start ^long end] (let [buffer (bb/make-lsb-byte-buffer (.data block)) _ (bb/skip buffer 4) ;; ref-id pos (inc (.getInt buffer))] (when (<= pos end) (let [l-read-name (short (bb/read-ubyte buffer)) _ (bb/skip buffer 3) ;; MAPQ, bin n-cigar-op (int (bb/read-ushort buffer)) flag (int (bb/read-ushort buffer)) _ (bb/skip buffer 16) ;; l_seq, rnext, pnext, tlen qname (bb/read-string buffer l-read-name) cigar-bytes (bb/read-bytes buffer (* n-cigar-op 4)) ref-length (cigar/count-ref-bytes cigar-bytes) ref-end (if (zero? ref-length) pos (dec (+ pos ref-length)))] (when (<= start ref-end) (SAMQuerynameBlock. (.data block) qname (int flag)))))))) |
Decodes BAM block and returns a BAMPointerBlock instance containing region, flag and block pointers. | (defrecord BAMPointerBlock [data ^int ref-id ^int pos ^int end ^int flag ^long pointer-beg ^long pointer-end]) (defn decode-pointer-block ([^BAMRawBlock block] (let [buffer (bb/make-lsb-byte-buffer (.data block)) ref-id (.getInt buffer) pos (inc (.getInt buffer)) l-read-name (short (bb/read-ubyte buffer)) _ (bb/skip buffer 3) ;; MAPQ, bin n-cigar-op (int (bb/read-ushort buffer)) flag (int (bb/read-ushort buffer)) _ (bb/skip buffer (+ 16 l-read-name)) ;; l_seq, rnext, pnext, tlen, qname cigar-bytes (bb/read-bytes buffer (* n-cigar-op 4)) ref-length (cigar/count-ref-bytes cigar-bytes) ref-end (if (zero? ref-length) pos (dec (+ pos ref-length)))] (BAMPointerBlock. (.data block) ref-id pos ref-end (int flag) (.pointer-beg block) (.pointer-end block)))) ([^BAMRawBlock block ^long start ^long end] (let [buffer (bb/make-lsb-byte-buffer (.data block)) ref-id (.getInt buffer) pos (inc (.getInt buffer))] (when (<= pos end) (let [l-read-name (short (bb/read-ubyte buffer)) _ (bb/skip buffer 3) ;; MAPQ, bin n-cigar-op (int (bb/read-ushort buffer)) flag (int (bb/read-ushort buffer)) _ (bb/skip buffer (+ 16 l-read-name)) ;; l_seq, rnext, pnext, tlen, qname cigar-bytes (bb/read-bytes buffer (* n-cigar-op 4)) ref-length (cigar/count-ref-bytes cigar-bytes) ref-end (if (zero? ref-length) pos (dec (+ pos ref-length)))] (when (<= start ref-end) (BAMPointerBlock. (.data block) ref-id pos ref-end (int flag) (.pointer-beg block) (.pointer-end block)))))))) |
Checks the range of BAM block and returns the given block if any base is included. | (defn raw-block ([b] b) ([b ^long s ^long e] (when (decode-region-block b s e) b))) |