The core of BAM index features. | (ns (:require [ :as cio] [ :as logging] [ [reader :as reader] [writer :as writer] [common :as common]] [cljam.util :as util] [ :as util-bin]) (:import [ DataOutputStream FileOutputStream] |
(deftype BAMIndex [url bidx lidx] util-bin/IBinningIndex (get-chunks [_ ref-idx bins] (vec (mapcat (get bidx ref-idx) bins))) (get-min-offset [_ ref-idx beg] (get (get lidx ref-idx) (util-bin/pos->lidx-offset beg common/linear-index-shift) 0)) (get-depth [_] common/linear-index-depth) (get-min-shift [_] common/linear-index-shift)) | |
Reads the given BAI file | (defn bam-index [f] (let [{:keys [bidx lidx]} (with-open [r ^BAIReader (reader/reader f)] (reader/read-all-index! r))] (->BAMIndex (util/as-url f) bidx lidx))) |
Reading | |
Returns binning index for the given reference index. | (defn bin-index [f ref-idx] (with-open [r ^BAIReader (reader/reader f)] (reader/read-bin-index! r ref-idx))) |
Returns linear index for the given reference index. | (defn linear-index [f ref-idx] (with-open [r ^BAIReader (reader/reader f)] (reader/read-linear-index! r ref-idx))) |
Returns a sequence of [start end) pairs of virtual file offsets that may contain alignments that don't have RNAME. | (defn get-unplaced-spans [^BAMIndex bai] (if-let [begin (some->> (for [[_ bins] (.bidx bai) [_ chunks] bins {:keys [end]} chunks] end) seq (reduce max))] [[begin Long/MAX_VALUE]] [])) |
Returns regions of a BAM file that may contain an alignment for the given range. | (defn get-spans [^BAMIndex bai ^long ref-idx ^long beg ^long end] (util-bin/get-spans bai ref-idx beg end)) |
Writing | |
Returns an open | (defn writer ^BAIWriter [f refs] (BAIWriter. (DataOutputStream. (FileOutputStream. (cio/file f))) refs (util/as-url f))) |
Creates a BAM index file from the alignments and references data. | (defn create-index [f alns refs] (with-open [w (writer f refs)] (try (writer/write-index! w alns) (catch Exception e (cio/delete-file (.url w)) (logging/error "Failed to create BAM index") (throw e))))) |