clj-hgvs 0.5.1
Released under the Apache License, Version 2.0
Clojure(Script) library for handling HGVS.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[clj-hgvs "0.5.1"]
Data structures and functions to handle HGVS coordinates.
Public variables and functions:
- ->region-keyword
- ->region-str
- Calculable
- circular-dna-coordinate
- coding-dna-coordinate
- comparable-coordinates?
- Coordinate
- genomic-coordinate
- ICodingDNACoordinate
- mitochondrial-coordinate
- non-coding-dna-coordinate
- parse-circular-dna-coordinate
- parse-coding-dna-coordinate
- parse-coordinate
- parse-genomic-coordinate
- parse-mitochondrial-coordinate
- parse-non-coding-dna-coordinate
- parse-protein-coordinate
- parse-rna-coordinate
- parse-uncertain-coordinate
- protein-coordinate
- restore
- rna-coordinate
- uncertain-coordinate
- unknown-coordinate
Main functions for handling HGVS. See for the detail HGVS nomenclature.
Public variables and functions:
Data structures and functions to handle HGVS mutations.
Public variables and functions:
- ->long-amino-acid
- ->short-amino-acid
- dna-alleles
- dna-conversion
- dna-deletion
- dna-duplication
- dna-indel
- dna-insertion
- dna-inversion
- dna-repeated-seqs
- dna-substitution
- equiv
- Equivalence
- long-amino-acids
- Mutation
- no-protein
- no-rna
- parse
- parse-dna
- parse-dna-alleles
- parse-dna-conversion
- parse-dna-deletion
- parse-dna-duplication
- parse-dna-indel
- parse-dna-insertion
- parse-dna-inversion
- parse-dna-repeated-seqs
- parse-dna-substitution
- parse-protein
- parse-protein-alleles
- parse-protein-deletion
- parse-protein-duplication
- parse-protein-extension
- parse-protein-frame-shift
- parse-protein-indel
- parse-protein-insertion
- parse-protein-repeated-seqs
- parse-protein-substitution
- parse-rna
- parse-rna-alleles
- parse-rna-conversion
- parse-rna-deletion
- parse-rna-duplication
- parse-rna-indel
- parse-rna-insertion
- parse-rna-inversion
- parse-rna-repeated-seqs
- parse-rna-substitution
- parse-uncertain-mutation
- protein-alleles
- protein-deletion
- protein-duplication
- protein-extension
- protein-frame-shift
- protein-indel
- protein-insertion
- protein-no-effect
- protein-repeated-seqs
- protein-substitution
- protein-unknown-mutation
- restore
- rna-alleles
- rna-conversion
- rna-deletion
- rna-duplication
- rna-indel
- rna-insertion
- rna-inversion
- rna-no-effect
- rna-repeated-seqs
- rna-splice-affected
- rna-substitution
- rna-unknown-mutation
- SeparatelyFormat
- short-amino-acids
- uncertain-mutation